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Video Production KVSP Nick Patrick.jpg


New Jersey video production blog of Yeti Nest Films

Filtering by Tag: Kittatinny Valley State Park


Nick Patrick

On days 3 and 4, together with our four-legged friends and some fatbiking, we wrapped up the fantastic shoot for the KVSP Winter Recreation Promo Video. A huge thanks to all the community members and Yeti Nest Team who came out to participate; your spirit and energy created a positive charge throughout the production and really made this a special project. Our parks and public lands are extremely valuable. They provide magical settings for us to explore, escape, and reconnect with ourselves and one another and this team was a shining example of that energy. I look forward to taking this project into post production! Please check out Kittatinny Valley State Park and give their Facebook page a like to follow their fun happenings and events.

Thanks! - Nick