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New Jersey video production blog of Yeti Nest Films

Kittatinny Valley State Park: Day 1 Shoot

Nick Patrick

I grew up riding mt. bikes at KVSP as a young lad and continue the tradition today with my best buds, so when KVSP came to Yeti Nest to produce a video showcasing the Park, I was beyond excited. Lynn Groves, the Park's Resource Interpretive Specialist, also has a deep rooted connection to the Park for many years. After much talk and finally blessed with a perfect snow storm, it was time to hit the trails! Day 1 of filming was fantastic and the energy in the air was something special. I feel our joint love and connection to this place is going to yield a stellar collaboration and product, can't wait to see what's to come, stay tuned!

Thanks to Lynn and Kessiah for being light and swift on the snowshoes and Matt Novak for helping out on the Team Yeti Nest end and capturing these fun shots!  - Nick